Organized at madison, wisconsin and, mustered into service on june 11th 1861. The unit would become part of the famed, iron brigade and, would see service in the eastern theatre. Blackburn’s ford, bull run, advance on manassas, virginia, pope’s campaign in northern virginia, catlett’s station, gainesville , groveton, bull run, chantilly, maryland campaign, south mountain, antietam, advance to falmouth, fredericksburg, mud march, pollock’s mill creek, chancellorsviile, gettysburg campaign, gettysburg, bristoe campaign, mine run campaign, wilderness, laurel hill, spotsylvania, spotsylvania court house, north anna river, totopotomy, cold harbour, non-veterans ordered to madison, wisconsin, june 11, and there mustered out july 2, 1864. Veterans and recruits consolidated to a battalion of two companies and assigned to duty as provost guard at headquarters, 4th division, 5th army corps, till september. Petersburg, siege of petersburg, weldon railroad, boydton plank road, hatcher’s run,. Battalion consolidated with 6th wisconsin infantry as companies “g” and “h” november 30, 1864. Regiment lost during service 10 officers and 228 enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 77 enlisted men by disease a total loss of 315 men. The second issue of flags were made by gilbert hubbard & co of chicago. The national flag is adorned with numerous battle honours and, bears the unit designation. The state or regimental flag has a blue field with a gold fringe upon the flag is the wisconsin state seal and, the national arms on the reverse. Below the seal and national arms are red scrolls, with the unit designation, in gold. The originals are housed in the wisconsin veterans museum, madison, wisconsin. .